

Call for joining!!

Candle Protest to STOP Japan's participation in TPPA negotiation!!

Last November PM Yoshihiko Noda made a decision to begin talks with participating countries about Japan's joining TPPA (Transpacific Economic Partnership Agreement) negotiations. We are concerned about TPPA's negative impacts on our lives, communities, and country; it would result in the decline of agriculture and fishery, deteriorating working conditions, and disruption of the health system. It is expected that Japan's participation in TPPA negotiations will be officially approved when PM Noda visits the USA at the end of this April. PM Noda aims to join the negotiations without providing sufficient information on TPPA to Japanese people.

We, "Coalition for Anti TPP Civil Action 4.25", work with "National Conference for TPP" and other groups to host 10,000 people's candle protest just before PM Noda's visit to the USA. A wide range of civil society groups join this action as a network. It includes citizens' groups, consumers' cooperatives, trade unions, NGOs, and farmers' groups. We would like to stress that this network is much broader than previous actions against free trade agendas in Japan. Please join this candle protest to stop Japan's participation in TPPA negotiations.

Date: Wed, 25 April 2012
Venue: Hibiya Yagai Ongakudo (
  17:30-18:30 STOP TPP!! Live music and talks
  18:30-19:30 STOP TPP!! Rally, voices from local people and overseas
  19:30-21:00 STOP TPP!! Demonstration (Hibiya Yagai Ongakudo to Ginza)



< Committee Groups >

(in alphabetical order, 34 groups as of April 21)

AFAC, Asian Farmers Exchange Center
APLA, Alternative People's Linkage in Asia
ATTAC Japan (Metro Area)
DAICHI WO MAMORU KAI (cirtizen's entity to preserve the earth)
Derail WTO/IMF Grassroots Campaign
DOMINREN, Hokkaido Farmer's Union
ECOM, Eco Communication Center
Food Safety Citizens' Watch
Forum for Peace, Human Right and Environment
Gathering of farmers in OKITAMA district
JVC, Japan International Volunteer Center
Labor notes of Japan
MINIREN, Japan Federation of Democratic Medical Institutions
New Japan Women's Association
NISSHOREN, Consumers Union of Japan
NO! GMO Campaign
NOUMINREN, Japan Family Farmers Movement
Palsystem Consumer's Cooperative Union
PARC, Pacific Asia Resource Center
People's Action against TPP
People's Plan Study Group
Project 99%
RENTAI UNION, Solidarity Union
SEIKATSU CLUB, Consumer's Cooperative Union
SEIKATSU CLUB, Consumer's Cooperative Union's mutual aid association
SHUFUREN, Women's Association
Stop TPP
Tokyo Regional Council of Trade Unions
What's TPP?
Young Workers Union in Metro Area
ZENKOKU SHOKKENREN, National conference to preserve food and health
ZENNICHINO, Farmer's Union of Japan
ZENROREN, National Confederation of Trade Unions

< Supporting Groups >

(in alphabetical order, 10 groups as of April 24)

Atelier Colobockle's Forest
Advocacy and Monitoring Network on Sustainable Development (AM-Net)
Joetsu Organic Farming Study Group
ZENROKYO, National Council for Trade Unions
East-North Asia Information Center (Hiroshima)
Ibaragi Kensei Agriculture Cooperative
Niigata Organic Agriculture Promote Network
Japan Women's Group Association (Fudanren)
Women's Democratic Club
Anonymous (1 group)

●Message from South Korea (Joo from Anti-US-South Korea FTA Group)

●Message from U.S. (Lori Wallach, Public Citizen)

●Message from New Zealand (Jane Kelsey, University of Auckland)

Solidarity greetings to you all from New Zealand.

We are in the struggle against the TPPA together.

The actions each of us takes strengthens the movement to stop the TPP.

The mobilisation of opposition in Japan, and the leadership shown by politicians and from civil society has been inspirational to us all.

As people break through the secrecy surrounding these negotiations and learn more about this proposed mega-agreement the opposition is growing.

Those who are secretly negotiating this agreement call the TPPA a free trade agreement for the 21st century.

But their vision of the future is not our vision for the future.

Stopping the TPPA is all about safeguarding our future ...

Our democracy ...

Our sovereignty ...

Our children's right to live in a world where the public interest is not determined by foreign corporations and offshore tribunals  ...

We have an obligation to our children and our children's children to provide an ethical future that is governed by human rights, social justice, decent work, and a sustainable ecosystem, not by the greed of big business.

As the natural disasters in both our countries have reminded us, we live in a fragile world where we must take care of each other.

Please know that we are with you in spirit today as you mobilise to keep Japan out of the TPPA.

On Saturday we will have our own mobilisation as part of a long march from the top to the bottom of the North Island of New Zealand whose message is "Aotearoa NZ is not for sale".

TPPWatch is part of that march, as we chant "Down Down TPPA - Taking People's Power Away".

Together we will defeat the TPPA!

Professor Jane Kelsey
Associate Dean (Research)
School of Law
University of Auckland

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