


ピーター・メイバードック(2012.3.13 「緊急市民国際シンポ

7月2日から開始される第14回TPP交渉全体会合に向けて、交渉を担当する米通商代表部(USTR)が市民団体へ説明会を開いた。日本の反TPP運動がAPECホノルル以来コンタクトをとっている米国「パブリックシチズン」からその模様を入手し、「STOP TPP!! 市民アクション」と「TPPに反対する人々の運動」の翻訳グループが日本語訳した。質疑のコーナーでは、3月に来日したピーター・メイバードック氏(パブリックシチズン)も発言しています。(翻訳:近藤康男)

☆ ★ ☆

(パブリックシチズンSteven Knievel氏まとめ)













──漏えいした投資分野(章)に関する質問に対して、担当のDaniel Bahar氏は以下のように述べた。


★ 会場から、オ-ストラリアは依然ISDSに反対の立場なのか質問がありBahar氏は以下のように応えた。


★ 会場から:国内法廷を活用することで、ISDSを必要としない国はあるのか?USTRとして、そのように信頼し得ると考えられる国はあるのか?


★ 更に質問:米国の裁判所はいつも、米国政府が当事者である裁判を扱っているではないか?










(2012年6月25日  翻訳:近藤康男)

+ + 以下、原文 + +

6/19 USTR TPP Briefing for Civil Society

USTR in attendance: Weisel, & heads on environment, SOEs, investment, IP, cross-border services, labor, Mexico & Canada

•We made more progress in Dallas than any other rounds to date
•Moved many chapters ahead in a significant way
•Significant progress in market access
•@APEC in Kazan trade ministers discussed progress made so far and a roadmap going forward
•In San Diego – expect to make similar good progress as was made in Dallas
oHave been negotiating compromises on contentious issues between rounds
oExpect to be able to conclude some chapters and make significant progress on others
•Finalizing consultations with Canada (no decisions made)
•TPA 90 day period not yet triggered for Congressional consultation on USTR engaging Mexico in trade negotiations
oAfter period triggered, then there will be a Federal Register Notice and request for comments & a schedule for a hearing (SK: I believe a Congressional Hearing, but this was not made explicit)
•No observers will be allowed to participate in San Diego round; no access to text or negotiations until domestic procedures of current TPP members for admitting new countries to negotiations conclude
•Don’t yet know if there will be a reception in San Diego
oReason is that receptions at previous rounds in US have been hosted by industry , and they haven’t had a similar offer for this round; the USG can’t afford it
•Will have tables and stakeholder presentations

•I asked if the tables and presentations will run concurrently
oNo final decision on scheduling (tables will be 11-2 on the 2nd)
oVery tight schedule, funds limit international negotiators’ travel arrangements
oDifficult to schedule stakeholder events – they can’t shut down negotiations for a day

•Peter Maybarduk asked about the 90 day period, and why this is being followed if it is part of the TPA which has expired
oUSTR not bound to do this, but it seemed like the best way to proceed for meaningful consultation with Congress
•Krista Cox (KEI) asked if after 90 days Canada would have all the privileges of the current 9 negotiating countries – would they be able to submit their own chapters, etc.
oWeisel nodded

•Ilana (Sierra Club) – Which chapters most ripe for conclusion? Schedule of negotiations to help civ. society make travel plans?
oWeisel: We won’t post a schedule. They will answer questions about specific chapter schedules from those concerned (ask Leah whose email is on USTR’s website)
oWill update what chapters may or will close in San Diego. Sensitive chapters probably won’t close, but will likely close some of the shorter chapters

•In response to a question regarding the leaked investment chapter, the investment negotiator Daniel Bahar stated:
oWe can’t comment on the authenticity of leaked text
oWe view any leaks as a “major security breach and take seriously”
oIn the area of investment we have been extremely transparent – spent hundreds of hours consulting with colleagues in Congress and colleagues in this room
oModel BIT published online shows the administration’s preferred negotiating position
oReceiving criticism from NGOs and from the business community saying that we haven’t gone far enough
•We’re trying to get the balance right
oIt’s important to protect investors & protect governments’ ability to regulate to protect the environment, etc.
oHave been making significant progress on non-conforming measures & investment chapter, but investment is not one of the chapters Weisel referred to earlier as possibly being completed in San Diego
oWill be holding investment chapter negotiations the entire time in San Diego

●someone in audience asked if Australia still held position of no ISDS for Australia. Bahar responded:
oCan’t comment on negotiation position of Australia on ISDS
oUSTR thinks a balanced ISDS system with safeguards that apply to all parties is an important component to investment chapter

Audience: Are there any countries that don’t need ISDS – that can use our own courts like everyone else? / Is there any country that USTR would trust to just use its courts rather than ISDS? Bahar:
oWe think ISDS is an important component, don’t want a situation where the referee is from the same team that is going to bat (explaining that governments may be a party in lawsuit and don’t want a situation where a government getting sued can use a friendly judge to rule in its favor)
oFollow up from same questioner: But US courts handle cases where the US govt is a party in the case all the time? Bahar:
•One option in ISDS is pursue suit in a regular domestic court, but it’s important that investors have an international arbitration option for receiving a fair hearing
•USTR doesn’t think there should be a fork in the road where if investors choose to have case in domestic court that they won’t be able to move to an international ISDS arbitration
•USTR thinks no fork is beneficial, because a fork in the road dissuades investors from using good domestic courts b/c they know that in the future that international arbitration option will no longer be available to them should they feel they need it for a fair hearing

Peter: Has there been a review of Canada and Mexico IP law to determine where their law differs? Weissel:
oGap analysis conducted compares point by point the US’s TPP goals with domestic laws of Canada & Mexico on all chapters
oUS has had discussions with Canada & Mexico to make sure they’re willing to meet ambitions of TPP – on all chapters there have been specific discussions
oPeter follow up: Have Canada & Mexico made any specific commitments? Weisel:
•Bilateral consultations concluded when the US received assurances that they are ready.
•Jodie Griffin of PK: Assurances on US objectives or on language already agreed to in TPP?
oWeisel: US talked about US objectives, don’t know what other assurances other countries received
o“We are not pre-negotiating an outcome”
•After further pressing from Peter – Barbara said no to having received any specific commitments
•Alberto Cerda (civ. society from Chile): US copyright regime is quite different than those in Chile, Peru & Mexico – What level of assurance did the US require on IP? Weisel:
oUS wants at least as high standard agreement as highest level of ambition reached with preivious FTAs
oIP issues are being actively discussed
oProbir: Look at Chile & Peru FTAs for insight to USTR objectives they are seeking on copyright
Weisel: US will be posting summaries of objectives on website soon – Not having them today is not due to lack of trying
oContact Christine (USTR public relations) for follow-up on specific issues/for smaller meetings

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