


 中身をじっくり見ると、条件次第では賛成…ととれるような論調ではありますが、労組側が求める条件はTPPを進める多国籍企業側にとって厳しい内容です。米国の労使間のせめぎあいが見える声明を翻訳掲載します。(翻訳:磯田 宏 監修:廣内かおり)

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(英題:Joint Statement by AFL-CIO, CLC and UNT on the Trans-Pacific Partnership Free Trade Agreement / July 11, 2012)

 私たち(アメリカ、カナダ、メキシコの全国規模の労働者組織であるAFL-CIO(アメリカ労働総同盟・産業別組合組織)、CLC(カナダ労働会 議)、UNT(労働者全国連合))は、メキシコとカナダのTPP交渉参加について、ここに重大な警鐘をならす。

 アメリカ、カナダ、メキシコの労働者世帯Working Familyに良い影響をもたらすために、TPPはNAFTA から手を切らなければならない。NAFTAは労働者世帯や地域社会、環境を犠牲にして、多国籍企業の権利と特権を拡大する破壊的な経済モデルを強いるからだ。NAFTAとはまさに、賃金、労働者権利、環境保護、および公共利益のための規制について、底辺への競争を促進するグローバル化モデルを法制化したものである。このモデルは需要を圧迫し、現在の世界的不況をもたらす主要因になったのである。
 世界的な不況から脱出するために、アメリカ、カナダ、メキシコは、NAFTAによる、目先の利益追求で破滅に向かう非建設的な成長モデルを放棄すべきである。そしてそれに替わるILOの基本的な条約に定められた、高い賃金と充実した手当てを伴う雇用創出など基本的な労働者権利の促進を含む通商モデルや、各国が自国の天然資源を保全し、 金融市場を安定させ、食料と農産物の安全性を確保し、ISDS 訴訟の脅威を受けることなく公共の利益を促進できるような国内政策を行なう権利を留保できるモデルを追求しなければならない。



The AFL-CIO, the CLC, and the UNT, the national labor organizations of the U.S., Canada, and Mexico, join in urging caution regarding the announcement that Mexico and Canada have been invited to join negotiations for the Trans-Pacific Partnership Free Trade Agreement (TPP).
Although we would welcome a TPP that creates good jobs, strengthens protection for fundamental labor rights -- such as freedom of association and authentic collective bargaining -- protects the environment, and boosts global economic growth and development for all, American, Canadian, and Mexican workers cannot afford another corporate-directed trade agreement. Good jobs, secure labor rights, and rising standards of living for all workers must guide the TPP negotiations.
To have a positive impact on working families in the U.S., Canada, and Mexico, the TPP must break from NAFTA, which imposed a destructiveeconomic model that expands the rights and privileges of multinational corporations at the expense of working families, communities, and the environment. The model of globalization enshrined in NAFTA promotes a race to the bottom in terms of wages, labor rights, environmental protection, and public interest regulation. By suppressing demand, this model became a leading cause of the current global recession.
To exit the global recession, the U.S., Canada, and Mexico must abandon the low-road growth model of NAFTA, and instead pursue a trade model that includes the promotion of fundamental labor rights included in the ILO core conventions; the creation of high wage, high benefit jobs; and the preservation of domestic policy space so that nations can conserve their natural resources, stabilize their financial markets, ensure food and product safety, and otherwise promote the public interest without fear of investor-state lawsuits.

Moreover, the negotiations must make clear that any improved provisions for workers in the TPP will override any corresponding harmful provisions in NAFTA -- otherwise, working families will have gained little. As important, any stronger provisions in NAFTA must remain in force or be reincorporated into the TPP. In particular, the NAFTA labor side agreement (the NAALC) includes protections for migrant workers -- a protection largely absent in subsequent U.S. FTAs. The AFL-CIO, CLC, and UNT strongly believe that the TPP should ensure that migrant workers are able to enjoy the same rights and protections as a country’s domestic
workforce. In addition, migrant workers must be protected from fraudulent or abusive recruitment schemes.
The ultimate impact of the TPP on working families in the U.S., Canada, and Mexico is by no means certain. It will depend entirely upon its rules. Therefore, it will be impossible to celebrate the inclusion of Mexico and Canada until the specifics of the agreement are known. To the extent that key TPP provisions represent enforceable improvements over NAFTA rules, Canada’s and Mexico’s accession has the potential to benefit working families in all three countries. If instead, the TPP
follows the neoliberal model and substitutes corporate interests for national interests, workers in all three countries will continue to pay a high price in the form of suppressed wages, a more difficult organizing environment, and general regulatory erosion, even as large corporations will continue to benefit.

We call on our governments to work with us to include in the TPP provisions to ensure strong worker protections, a healthy environment, safe food and products, and the ability to regulate financial and other markets to avoid future global economic crises.

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